UIW Travel Policy

Consistent with the Employee Handbook, UIW requires all faculty, staff, students and administrators to report their UIW, non-leisure, international sponsored travel programs/trips, including travel dates, international location(s), accompanying students (if any), and purpose of travel to the International Affairs Department. Questions regarding any aspects of the UIW international travel policy, including the characterization of travel, shall be directed to the Study Abroad Office or International Affairs Department for clarification.

University policy does not permit all faculty, staff, 学生和管理人员可以在世界卫生组织发布了3级或4级旅行警告的国家学习或参加uw赞助的旅行计划/旅行 U.S. Department of State, unless the participant has received specific approval from the Division of International Affairs and the supervisory Dean/Vice President. Furthermore, 大学承认,3级或4级旅行警告并不总是否定前往一个国家的令人信服的理由, and that security situations may vary considerably in different locations of a country under a Level 3 or 4 Travel Advisory. Therefore, the International Affairs Office, in collaboration with the supervisory Dean/Vice President, will review on a case-by-case basis all University-sponsored and/or funded university travel to any country under a Department of State Travel Warning.

In the event a level 3 or level 4 travel advisory is issued and the International Affairs Office and the supervisory Dean/Vice President render the decision not to approve the international program/trip, 大学保留在计划或在国外期间取消任何和所有到该地点的国际课程/旅行的权利. Participants may have to cancel their trip and/or return to the states at their own expense. It is the responsibility of the participant, or UIW department, to acquire adequate international travel insurance to cover such circumstances.

All UIW sponsored programs must obtain an initial airfare quote from the University’s travel agency, CTP. After receiving a quote from a travel agent, participants may obtain and compare quotes from outside sources.

Individual travel

  • Kandy Evans
    • kandee.evas@travelctm.com
    • (210) 524-3307 or
    • (210) 366-9581 (San Antonio Branch)
    • Available Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. CST
    • A 24-hour emergency assistance phone number will be provided prior to travel.
      • Please note there is an additional fee for after-hours calls.

Group travel (10 or more travelers including athletics and study abroad)

学生必须获得留学流程中概述的各种学术和行政部门的授权,才能有资格出国留学. Please refer to the Steps to Study Abroad page to access the process. For further information regarding authorization and the Request to Study Abroad form. Please review Step 6.

保护教育环境,保障个人和社会的健康和福祉, the policy concerning alcohol and illegal substance policy is as follows:

Alcohol Policy

  • The national/local laws of the host country govern your behavior while you are visiting the country.
  • You will adhere to the UIW Code of Conduct Policy during the entire faculty-led study abroad program.
  • At all times, you are responsible for the consequences of your behavior. If the consumption of alcohol causes or influences you to subsequently violate University policy, program rules, 当地法律和/或以其他方式从事损害大学或项目声誉的行为(由学院领导判断),你可能会被开除出项目,费用由你自己承担. Upon returning, you may also face disciplinary actions, including, but not limited to, receiving a failing grade for the class, academic probation, and/or expulsion from the University.

Illegal Substance Policy

  • The University of the Incarnate Word and all study abroad programs, including faculty led, prohibit the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, promotion, sale or use of illegal drugs or other illegal substances, illegal paraphernalia, or look-alike (simulated) illegal drugs.
  • The possession, use, sale or other distribution of narcotics, hallucinogenic or controlled substances (except as permitted by law) during the faculty-led trip by any student, employee or visitor is prohibited and is considered a serious offense.
  • The use, sale or possession of any drug paraphernalia, including, but not limited to, water pipes, 未经持牌医生处方的烟斗和皮下注射器/针头是被禁止的,学生将受到纪律处分.
  • 携带处方药旅行的学生需要有医生的证明,以验证药物的使用.
  • Violation of the Illegal Substance Policy will result in expulsion from the faculty-led program at your own expense. Upon returning, you may face disciplinary actions, including, but not limited to, receiving a failing grade for the class, academic probation and/or expulsion from the University.
  • 在一些国家,对非法药物的处罚可能比美国更严厉,通常包括驱逐出境, fines, jail time and, at times, the death penalty.

In the event a participant requires legal representation in the host country, the participant is responsible for seeking and acquiring legal representation. The participant is solely responsible for any and all legal fees and consequences.

All study abroad participants are required to purchase CISI international health insurance. Dependent on the program, participant's insurance may be purchased on their behalf.

International Travel insurance is optional. UIW is not responsible for reimbursing any losses due to cancellation or trip interruption(s). It is the participant’s responsibility to purchase additional health and/or travel insurance coverage, if they choose to increase insurance coverage.

Participants are responsible for understanding their insurance plans and must be aware of certain incidents, costs and/or claims may that may not be covered by the international and/or travel insurance plan(s). Participants are fully responsible for any and all costs that international health and/or travel insurance may not cover. Furthermore, participants are responsible for researching and understanding whether pre-existing conditions may be covered.


While participating in study abroad and/or international programs, participants are representing the University of the Incarnate Word. Any violation of the policies and procedures of UIW, including the UIW Student Code of Conduct, and/or violation of the host country laws, could result in dismissal from the program and additional disciplinary action upon return, including the possibility of being expelled from the host/home university.

Participants will adhere to the laws of the host country. In the event participants require legal representation in the host country, participants will be responsible for seeking and acquiring legal representation. Participants are solely responsible for any and all legal fees.

Participants will agree and understand the following are unacceptable, and engaging in any of them constitutes grounds for dismissal from the program, banned from participating in the program, 并根据uw现场代表的绝对和唯一酌情决定权,由参与者自费返回美国;

  • Behavior that disturbs other persons in the program or other persons in the hotel or other accommodations;
  • Breaking the law(s) of the host country or violation of the policies and procedures of UIW, including the UIW Student Code of Conduct;
  • Posting, sharing, disseminating photos, videos and/or other multimedia sources that are inappropriate, offensive and/or violate the UIW Code of Conduct;
  • Excessive absence from class as determined by the professor(s);
  • Failure to participate in field trips or other activities of program;
  • Any use of and/or involvement with illegal drugs;
  • Failure to complete homework assignments;
  • Abuse of alcohol.

Effective immediately, 所有未使用的资金应退还给学生,一旦旅行费用已经审查和确定由伊利诺伊大学主计长办公室和主管院长.

Participants will not be able to participate, in any study abroad and/or international program, if any unpaid balances are owed to the University. Before pursing any study abroad and/or international program, participants must satisfy any outstanding balances owed to the University.

Tuition must be paid in full before being able to leave for the study abroad and/or international program. Even if the participant does not participate in the trip, whether voluntary/involuntary, participants are still responsible for all costs, which are non-refundable.

The participant is fully responsible for all tuition, deposits, payments and fees in connection with the study abroad and/or international program. After the application of any scholarship, financial aid or other assistance, if there is a remaining balance resulting from the study abroad and/or international program, the participant is fully responsible to pay the remaining balance out of their own personal funds. As such, all “out of pocket” costs are the participant’s responsibility.

If applicable, participants agree to adhere to the payment schedule outlined by the professor. Failure to pay by the set deadlines may result in late fees, dismissal from the program and forfeiture of previously paid installments. No portion of any funds that have been paid, either directly or with financial assistance, to participate in the travel portion of the program will be refunded at any time for any reason.

Participants are responsible for consulting with their doctor prior to departure to obtain any vaccination, prescriptions and/or medications needed for the duration of their international program. 参与者还负责研究东道国关于他们计划带入该国的药物的法律.

参与者有责任获得(或获得)财务资金来支付任何医疗保险免赔额(如果适用)。, in case of a medical emergency.

Dependent on the study abroad and/or international program, participants may be permitted, by the Vice President for International Affairs in collaboration with the supervisory dean, to have a travel companion. Participants are fully responsible for all costs, planning, supervision and safety for travel companion(s), which include spouses, children, significant others and acquaintances.

Due to the type of program, 责任和/或其他因素,负责国际事务的副校长与主管院长(或UIW代表)合作,保留限制或拒绝旅行同伴参加UIW赞助的任何国际项目的权利.

Travel companions, who will be participating in UIW sponsored events, excursions and/or programs, are required to sign and adhere to the Non-UIW Participant Agreement.

The following policy expands on the current University of the Incarnate Word’s (UIW) Employee’s Children on Campus policy implemented on June 1, 2010 to include accompanying family members, including children under the age of 18 and who are not otherwise enrolled as students of UIW, participating in UIW sponsored international programs.

As stated on the Employee’s Children on Campus Policy:

“大学校园场地和基础设施旨在为学生和员工提供一个有利于学术和职业活动的环境. For reasons that include safety of children, and assuring professional efficient performance of academic pursuits, operations and services, the University ".

The following policy also includes students and non-UIW participants, with accompanying family members, specifically children, participating in international programs (academic and occupational activities) sponsored by UIW. Partner institutions, including the UIW European Study Center (ESC) and Centro Universitario Incarnate Word (CIW), may have additional policies and regulations regarding accompanying family members, including children. All individuals shall abide by both UIW and other partner institution’s policies.

As stated on the Employee’s Children on Campus Policy, Children are not allowed in offices on campus in the following situations:

  • An alternative to regular childcare, e.g., childcare during summers and holidays
  • When the child is too ill to be sent to regular childcare or school or camp
  • Provision of regular and routine childcare after school has dismissed, regardless of duration
  • Presence of child interferes with normal operations

As such, leaders of international programs must be available at all times to respond to student needs or emergencies. For this reason, it is not recommended they, or others, take accompanying children in programs that require full-time attention and supervisory guidance.

All international program participants, including leaders, may not bring accompanying family members, including children, without prior authorization from the supervisory dean in collaboration with the Vice President for International Affairs. Minor children accompanying program participants must be adequately supervised at all times. 家庭成员或未成年子女的在场不应以任何方式干扰国际项目的正常运作.

If the dean, in collaboration with the Vice President for International Affairs, approve accompanying children, they must be accompanied by an adult who will be fully responsible for the child(ren). Furthermore, the participant will pay for all expenses incurred on their behalf. Children 18, or under, will normally be accompanied by an adult having no formal or informal role in the program (i.e. a full-time caretaker).

院长与主管国际事务的副院长合作,保留对这些角色施加限制和/或条件的权利, activities, and presence of family members or friends who accompany program leaders. Such limits or conditions derive from “reasons that include safety of children, and assuring professional efficient performance of academic pursuits, operations, and services”. In some cases, accompanying family members may not be permitted to join the international program group for some or all activities.

The following describe the specific limits or conditions that apply to family members accompanying, including children, participants on international programs.

  1. Liability: The University of the Incarnate Word assumes no responsibility for accompanying family members or friends. The family members are responsible for their own safety and international health and travel insurance coverage.
  2. Expenses: Any and all expenses are NOT covered by UIW, including airplane tickets, living accommodations, excursions, etc. Furthermore, the international program shall not incur additional costs due to accompanying family members.
  3. International Medical Insurance: UIW employees, traveling under 90 days, 以正式大学身份运作的学生,可通过安达保的保险获得国际医疗保险. All Accompanying family members are required to obtain international travel and health coverage, at their own expense.
  4. Accommodations: Accompanying family members may share accommodations with the participant(s), provided such sharing is allowed by the housing provider. If housing costs are based on a "per person" rate, the program leader will be reimbursed for only one person. In no case should participants or family members share accommodations with students. All accommodation preparations must be discussed and arranged before departure.
  5. Group Meals: If participating in group meals, the participant must reimburse the program for any expenses incurred by accompanying family members, if a separate bill cannot be obtained. Program money shall not be used to buy meals for accompanying family members. Only limited and special exceptions may be made to this specific aspect of the policy, such as a host institution inviting guests to which a couple, including family members, are invited for a meal.
  6. Excursions/Travel: Dependent on the dean and Vice President for International Affairs approval, accompanying family members may participate in program excursions and field trips, provided that such participation does not inflate the cost of the excursion to the participating students. Program excursions are planned to accommodate all students plus the participating leader(s). If there are empty seats on the arranged travel (i.e., bus, boat, etc.) accompanying family members may travel with the group at no extra cost. However, at no time, will a bigger or additional transportation (i.e., bus, boat or other mode of transportation, etc.) be arranged in order to accommodate accompanying family members.
  7. Excursion Expenses: If participating in group excursions, accompanying family members must separately pay all per person expenses (i.e., entrances to parks or museums, theatre tickets, etc.). In no case is program money to be used to fund family member participation in special events. If the cost for the family member is included on the group receipt, it must be deducted before the receipt is submitted for reimbursement.
  8. 就业:如果家庭成员在项目负责人的总体监督或指导下履行职责,则不得雇用家庭成员履行海外留学项目的职责. In the case of study abroad programs, "hired" means receiving monetary compensation for services performed, or receiving payment of expenses (travel, etc.) in exchange for performance of duties.

Contingency Plan: Leaders of international programs, in collaboration with their supervisory dean, shall have pre-selected a replacement faculty member if the leader cannot perform their duties due to accompanying members, including children, requiring emergency medical attention or require returning home before the end of the program.

Dependent on the study abroad and/or international program, participants may be traveling alone during or for the entire duration of the program. During the period of time participants may not be part of a group or under faculty/guide’s supervision; participants assume full responsibility for their own safekeeping and welfare.

Participants who are participating in faculty-led programs require permission from the lead faculty and, in certain cases from the supervisory dean, before traveling independently from the group.


选择在非姐妹学校学习的学生在国外的学期期间将不需要在UIW注册. In addition, 在非姐妹学校学习的学生将无法通过uw经济援助办公室获得经济援助.

Students attending a non-sister school must complete and submit a Request to Study at Another Institution Form to the Registrar’s Office before they depart. The Enrollment Policy for Studying at Another Institution is as follows:

Study at Another Institution:

After matriculating at the University as a degree-seeking student, a student must obtain prior written approval to transfer any additional credits from other institutions. “在其他机构学习的请求”表格可在注册办公室获得,必须在其他地方注册学分之前获得批准. 如果获得的成绩为“C”或更高,则在此表格上批准的转学工作将被接受并应用于所指示的学位. 学生有责任向注册办公室提供反映课程完成情况的正式成绩单. All institutional policies will be observed when considering all requests to Study at Another Institution. Approval will not be granted if an equivalent course is offered at UIW.

Upon returning from your sojourn, students must apply for re-admission to UIW. Students can visit the Registrar’s office website titled Re-Admission to UIW in order to download or submit the required paperwork via online.

Student Organizations, who are recognized by the Student Government Association (SGA), and are traveling internationally utilizing the organization's name, are subject to the same rules and protocol as faculty-led study abroad trips.

Please contact Javier Lozano, Ph.D., Director of International Affairs, for further details at (210) 805-3015 or lozano@uiwtx.edu.

In an international emergency, contact International SOS (ISOS). ISOS will initially address and manage all international emergencies.

International SOS (ISOS) provides medical, security and logistical expertise to help safeguard UIW's international travelers. ISOS can ensure faculty, staff, 管理人员和学生可以立即获得护理,无论是需要疏散到医疗中心,还是与当地医生密切监测您的病情. International SOS can also take care of details associated with the traveler's situation, such as making travel arrangements for family members so you can focus on getting better.

Please email studyabroad@uiwtx.edu, in order to obtain UIW's official ISOS member number required to access this service.

Only after the int'l emergency has been addressed and you are in a safe or normalized environment, all participants are required to contact the Study Abroad Office and/or the UIW University Police to report any and all emergencies. If an emergency should occur during non-office hours, participants should contact UIW university police at (210) 829-6030 or email.

UIW University Police

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on all University and Federal Holidays

Phone Number: (210) 829-6030
Fax Number: (210) 283-5058

You may also email your questions to:


Hours of Duty:

Police Officers patrol the UIW, IWHS and SACHS campuses 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Important note to remember:

When the main police office is closed, all the incoming calls are forwarded to the Police Departments two-way radio system. The system only allows for 45 seconds of talk time. Please speak clearly and specific of what you need. If the officers are not able to assist you with the information you need, they may give you another number to call.